Zétény Nagy.

Full-stack developer. IT Student. Kyokushin. Muay Thai.

1.About Me


Glad you are here!

My name is Zétény Nagy, I’m from Budapest, Hungary, currently enrolled at BMSzC Neumann János Informatikai Technikum.

My interest in web development started long ago, back in my early elementary school days. Mathematics has been my favorite subject since the first grade of elementary school. Additionally, I have a deep passion for Kyokushin Karate and Muay Thai. I aim to enhance both my coding and fighting skills, with the goal of becoming a full-time full-stack web developer.

If you are interested check out my setup.

Favorite technologies/things I use:


REGALE Energy Zrt.

A marketing website for REGALE Energy Zrt.

Front-end: Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Headless UI, deployed to Vercel.

Back-end: AWS Lambda, Rust, Amazon SES, lettre, Aiven (MySQL), sqlx, Upstash (Redis).

Admin Dashboard:

Front-end: Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Headless UI, deployed to Vercel.

Back-end: Auth.js (NextAuth), Aiven (MySQL), and Prisma, running on Vercel Serverless (Next.js /api).

3.Get In Touch

Got something you would like to say? Or have a question? Feel free to send me a message using the form down below. I’m just a few clicks away...
